Installing the Theme
You need to upload the theme files to your WordPress installation’s wp- content/themes/ folder. Then go to your WordPress administration panel and activate the theme from the Appearance > Themes pane.
DO NOT install it like wp-content/themes/theissue/theissue DO install it like wp-content/themes/theissue
If you want to install the theme by uploading the zip file, please make sure that you do not upload the zip file downloaded directly from Themeforest. The zip file you downloaded contains extra files such as documentation (the one you are reading) and licensing. You should upload the zip file containing the WordPress files only (
Once the theme is uploaded, you need to activate it. Go to Appearance > Themes and enable your chosen theme. Once you have enabled the theme, you need to make sure you have everything necessary to use it properly. To do this, please go to The Issue > Install Plugins to install the necessary plugins such as WPBakery Page Builder & The Issue Required Plugin.
While installing your theme through wordpress admin, you may encounter an error message saying “are sure you want to do this?”. This is mainly due to your hosting php settings. The theme zip file is roughly around 6mb and in some hosting providers, the default value for max_upload_limit left default which is 2mb. To solve this problem you should either increase your maximum upload size (to 10mb) on your hosting admin panel or ask your host to do it for you if you do not have the privilege to alter your server php settings. This is a very common request and they should be able to help you out. Once the limit is increased you can re-try the install and you’ll be all good to go.