Site Hosting
It is a matter of choices based on hosting provider location, pricing and their services. This is an important decision in the beginning and we please you to choose a WordPress friendly hosting provider if you want to use our themes.
Latest technologies are always the best so stick to hosting companies that provide flexibility in your online presence.
Often asked by our clients, we try to determine most appropriate hosting providers for them but it is always your choice based on your visitor’s target, so here is the list of hosting companies we recommend for you.:
Please note that while we receive a small commission if you choose one of the companies below, our recommendation is based on the quality of their products and is not based on compensation.
On the other hand, based on our experience with customers that have had issues with their hosting environment (Demo Content import failure) we suggest you to avoid “starting/basic/shared hosting” packages (cheap ones) from these companies because they give you too little control and are very limited:
- GoDaddy
- HostGator
- 1&1
If you use basic plans of those companies you can experience issues as Demo Content import failure, modules of WPBaker Page Builder that don’t work, endless loading, incomplete page rendering, etc. All these problems are caused by the fact that the base host plan of these hosts doesn’t meet the minimum Server Requirements to work with a modern WordPress theme.